An * indicates an undergraduate co-author.=To download: click on the link in red or on the button below for the desired paper:
- Burks, R. L., C. Reynolds, E. Rosas, C. Bashara, L. Dolopchiev, C. Jerde and M. A. Barnes. 2024. Snail slime in real time: Challenges in predicting the relationship between environmental DNA and apple snail biomass. Management of Biological Invasions 15(3): 415-435.
- Burks, R. L. 2020. Setting Up Nonparametric Tests. Make Teaching with R in Undergraduate Biology Less Excruciating 2020, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/PFE8-D888
- Glasheen, P. M.*, S. R. Campos*, R. L. Burks and K. A. Hayes. 2020. First evidence of introgressive hybridization of apple snails (Pomacea spp.) in a native range. Journal of Molluscan Studies 86(2): 96-103. doi:10.1093/mollus/eyz035.
- Emery, N., A. Hunt, R. Burks, M. Duffy, C. Scoffoni, and A. Swei. 2019. Students as ecologists: Strategies for successful mentorship of undergraduate researchers. Ecology and Evolution:
- Sterling, E. J, R. L. Burks, J. Linder, T. Langen, D. S. Fernandez, D. Ruby, and N. Bynum. 2018. Why is biodiversity important? An oral communication exercise. Lessons in Conservation 8:10–12. Available from
- Sterling, E. J, R. L. Burks, J. Linder, T. Langen, D. S. Fernandez, D. Ruby, and N. Bynum. 2018. Selecting areas for conservation: an oral communication exercise. Lessons in Conservation 8:13–16. Available from
- Sterling, E. J, R. L. Burks, J. Linder, T. Langen, D. S. Fernandez, D. Ruby, N. Bynum, A. Bravo, and A.L. Porzecanski. 2018. Sharpen your oral communication skills! Lessons in Conservation 8:17–20. Available from
- Perez, K. P., V. G. Gamboa, C. M. Schneider* and R. L. Burks. 2017. Resaca supports invasive apple snails (Pomacea maculata, Perry, 1810; Caenogastropoda: Ampullariidae) within the Rio Grande Valley, Texas. CheckList 13(3):
- Glasheen, P. M.*, C. Clavo, M. Meerhoff, K. A. Hayes and R. L. Burks. 2017. Survival, recovery, and reproduction of apple snails (Pomacea spp.) following exposure to drought conditions. Freshwater Science 36(2): 316 - 324.
- Burks, R. L., J. Bernatis, J. E. Byers, J. Carter, C. W. Martin, W. G. McDowell and J. van Dyke. 2017. Identity, reproductive potential, distribution, ecology and management of invasive Pomacea maculata in the southern United States. Pages 293-334. 2nd edition of Global Advances in Ecology and Management of Golden Apple Snails.
- Sterling, E., A. Bravo, A. Porzecanski, R. Burks, J. Linder, T. A. Langen, D. S. Fernandez, D. Ruby and N. Bynum. 2016. Think before (and after) you speak: Practice and self-reflection build student confidence and bolster performance in oral communication skills in ecology and conservation biology classes. Journal of College Science Teaching 45(6): 87-99.
- Burks, R. L., A. Miller* and A. Hill*. 2016. CABI Compendium project on Pomacea maculata. (Not traditional peer-review):
- Perez, B. J.*, A. H. Segrest*, S. R. Campos*, R. L. Minton and R. L. Burks. 2016. First record of Japanese Mystery Snail Cipangopaludina, CheckList 12(5):
- Hayes, K.A, R. L. Burks, A. Castro-Vazquez, P. C. Darby, H. Heras, P. R. Martín, J.-W. Qiu, S. C. Thiengo, I. A. Vega, T. Wada, Y. Yusa, S. Burela, M. P. Cadierno, J. A. Cueto, F. A. Dellagnola, M. S. Dreon, M. V. Frassa, M. Giraud-Billoud, M. S. Godoy, S. Ituarte, E. Koch, K. Matsukura, M. Y. Pasquevich, C. Rodriguez, L. Saveanu, M. E. Seuffert, E. E. Strong, J. Sun, N. E. Tamburi, M. J. Tiecher, R. L. Turner, P. L. Valentine-Darby & R. H. Cowie. 2015. Insights from an integrated view of the biology of apple snails (Caenogastropoda: Ampullariidae). Malacologia 58(1/2): 245-302.
- Liebl, M.*, K. Roberts*, A. Mohammed*, M. Lowther*, E. Navaira*, A. Frankel*, S. Pukys and R. L. Burks. 2014. Staying SMArT: Introduction and assessment of a one-on-one inquiry model to teach the scientific method to elementary school students. Science Education and Civic Engagement: An International Journal 6(1): 32-44.
- Kyle, C. H.*, A. Plantz*, T. Shelton and R. L. Burks. 2013. Count your eggs before they invade: Identifying and quantifying egg clutches of two invasive apple snail species (Pomacea). PLoSOne Open Access.
- Burks, R. L. 2012. One McBug Burger Please: Eating insects in ecology class to contextualize climate change discussion. EcoEd.
- Kyle, C. H.*, A. W. Kropf* and R. L. Burks. 2011. Prime waterfront real estate: Apple snails choose wild taro for oviposition sites. Current Zoology 57(5): 630-641.
- Burks, R. L., S. A. Hensley* and C. H. Kyle*. 2011. Quite the appetite: Juvenile island apple snails (Pomacea insularum) survive consuming only exotic, invasive plants. Journal of Molluscan Studies 77(4): 423-428.
- Burks, R. L., C. H. Kyle* and M. K. Trawick*. 2010. Pink eggs and snails: Field oviposition patterns indicate shallow aquatic systems susceptible to invasion by Pomacea insularum. Hydrobiologia, Shallow Lakes 2009 Special Volume 646: 243-251.
EDITORIAL SUMMARY (not peer-reviewed):
- Meerhoff, M., M. Beklioglu, R. Burks, F. García-Rodríguez, N. Mazzeo and B. Moss. 2010. Shallow Lakes: Preface. Hydrobiologia DOI 10.1007/s10750-010-0247-2.
- Burks, R. L. and M. M. Chumchal. 2009. To Co-author or Not to Co-author: How to write, publish, and negotiate issues of authorship with undergraduate research students. Sci. Signal. 2 (94), tr3.
- Burks, R. L. 2009. A Kernel of Truth: Microwave popcorn makes it easier to teach basic statistics. The L&O Bulletin 18(2): 36-40.
- Kyle, C. H.,* M. K. Trawick,* J. P. McDonough* and R. L. Burks. 2009. Population dynamics of an established reproducing population of the invasive apple snail (Pomacea insularum) in suburban southeast Houston, Texas. Texas Journal of Science 61(4): 1-5.
- Barnes, M.A.*, R. K. Marfurt*, J. J. Hand and R. L. Burks. 2008. Fecundity of the exotic applesnail, Pomacea insularum. The Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28(3): 738-745.
- Youens, A. K.* and R. L. Burks. 2008. Comparing applesnails with oranges: the need to standardize measuring techniques when studying Pomacea. Aquatic Ecology 42(4): 679-684.
- Boland, B.*, M. Meerhoff, C. Fosalba, N. Mazzeo, M. Barnes* and R. L. Burks. 2008. Juvenile snails, adult appetites: Contrasting resource consumption between two species of applesnails (Pomacea). Journal of Molluscan Studies 74(1): 47-54.
- Burks, R. L. and L. Boles. 2007. Evolution of the Chocolate Bar: A creative approach to teaching phylogenetic relationships within evolutionary biology. The American Biology Teacher 69(4): 229-237.
- Burks, R. L. 2007. Math for Wiser Decisions (a review of Rockwood’s Introduction to Population Ecology). BioScience 57(3): 288-289.
- Burks, R. L., G. Mulderij, E. Gross, I. Jones, L. Jacobsen, E. Van Donk, and E. Jeppesen. 2006. Chapter 3 - Center stage: The Crucial Role of Macrophytes in Regulating Trophic Interactions in Shallow Lake Wetlands. Pages 37-59 in R. Bobbink, B. Beltman, J. T. A. Verhoeven, and D. F. Whigham (eds) Wetlands: Functioning, Biodiversity Conservation, and Restoration. Ecological Studies, Volume 191, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- Howells, R.G., L. E. Burlakova, A. Y. Karatayev, R. K. Marfurt*, and R. L. Burks. 2006. Chapter 5 - Native and introduced Ampullariidae in North America: History, status and ecology. Pages 73-112 in R. C Joshi (ed) Global Advances in Ecology and Management of Golden Apple Snails. Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), Philippines.
- Lindquester, G., R. L. Burks, and C. R. Jaslow. 2005. Developing information fluency in introductory biology students in the context of an investigative laboratory. Cell Biology Education 4: 58-96.
- Tuchman, N. C., R. L. Burks, C. A. Call, and J. J. Smarrelli. 2004. Flow rate and vertical position influence ingestion rates of colonial zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha). Freshwater Biology 49: 191-198.
- Burks, R. L. and D. M. Lodge. 2002. Cued in: advances and opportunities in freshwater chemical ecology. Journal of Chemical Ecology 28(10): 1881- 1897.
- Burks, R. L., N. C. Tuchman, C. A. Call, and J. E. Marsden. 2002. Colonial aggregations: the effect of spatial position on zebra mussel responses to interstitial water quality. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 21(1): 64-75.
- Burks, R. L., D. M. Lodge, E. Jeppesen and T. L. Lauridsen. 2002. Diel horizontal migration of zooplankton: costs and benefits of inhabiting littoral zones. Freshwater Biology 47: 343-366.
- Burks, R. L., E. Jeppesen and D. M. Lodge. 2001. Pelagic prey and benthic predators: impact of odonate predation on Daphnia among complex structure. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 20(4): 683-696.
- Burks, R. L., E. Jeppesen and D. M. Lodge. 2001. Littoral zone structures as Daphnia refugia against fish predation. Limnology and Oceanography 46(2): 230-237.
- Burks, R. L., E. Jeppesen and D. M. Lodge. 2000. Macrophyte and fish chemicals suppress Daphnia growth and alter life history traits. Oikos 88(1): 139-147.
- Lauridsen, T. L., E. Jeppesen, S.F. Mitchell, D. M. Lodge and R. L. Burks. 1999. Horizontal distribution of zooplankton in lakes with contrasting fish densities and nutrient levels. Hydrobiologia 408/409: 241-250.
Burks R. Wait, you can't leave me! How to maintain research productivity with undergraduates post graduation [version 1; not peer reviewed]. F1000Research 2018, 7:1249 (slides) (doi: 10.7490/f1000research.1115925.1)